Spring Bouquet Subscription (4 Weeks)
Spring Bouquet Subscription (4 Weeks)
We love when spring emerges with all of its color and beautiful blooms, the ones we’ve been tending all through the winter. Our subscriptions are a perfect way to bring fresh local blooms into your home or business or to gift to loved ones.
We hand-tie each of our bouquets with a generous selection of our best spring blooms like snapdragons, orlaya, foxgloves, sweet peas, statice, feverfew, campanula, ranunculus, larkspur, stock, forget-me-nots, fresh herbs and Appalachian greenery. They will be wrapped in paper and dropped off at your pick-up location choice each week of your 4-week subscription.
This spring subscription will tentatively begin in mid-April. We will be in touch via email to announce the first pick-up date once all of our spring flowers are officially ready for harvest.
You will be able to pick up your bouquet each week at one of the pick-up locations listed below. Email reminders will be sent too!
SENECA, SC at 313 Cafe on Wednesdays
FARM PICK-UP on Wednesdays
Click SIGN ME UP to complete the Spring Bouquet Subscription form and select your pick-up location.